James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Orphans & Orphanages are in need of people & love. It is as simple as that. Orphans don’t have anybody that they can count on who loves them like family. you can be that person by adopting an orphan or by regularly visiting them and being a friend. What is important is consistency. They need a consistent person in their life who cares about them.
If you can devote regular time, that would be best, but if not; you can still be a blessing even if it is a one time thing. Remember to show the love of Christ.
We recommend the following;
- Visitation – Show up and get to know them. Have fun.
- Games – Play their favorite game and new games.
- Prayer – Pray with them and for them.
Our goal is to organize a list of places to go and visit and groups of people who will go and minister to these orphans.