Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
Prison Ministry is important as there is a huge need for people to change for the better. We are all sinners and in need of a Savior. People in prison just happened to choose sins that ruined their life and/or lost them their freedom. A lot of them are ripe fruit for the picking who just need to be shown the light of the Gospel.
If you are interested in blessing people in the ministry; you do the following.
- Rock Road – Get involved with the St Lucie County Jail
- Group Visitation – Sign up for inmate visitation ministry
- Share Scriptures – Teach them with God’s Word & encourage them.
- Gospel Outreach – Share the Gospel & the Love of Christ.
- Prayer – Pray with them and for them. They need it.
You have no idea just how much you can bless somebody by a simple visit and a good word. Jesus is the light of the world and you can shine that light on an inmate who’s life seems pretty dark. You can change a life and help save a soul.